10 Transformational Self-Help Books to Heal Your Heart and Mind


“Never give from the depths of your well, but from your overflow.”

– Rumi


These books are some of my all-time favorite self help books whenever I need a pick me up.

Some are oldies but perpetual goodies, others are new books that I consider to be modern-day self-help classics.

Each one of these inspiring books will instantly lift your spirits and nourish your heart and soul.

So without further adieu, here is my official “Top 10” list of books to add to your personal growth reading list.

1. Almost Everything by Anne Lamott


In this profound and funny book, Lamott calls for each of us to rediscover the nuggets of hope and wisdom that are buried within us that can make life sweeter than we ever imagined. Divided into short chapters that explore life's essential truths, Almost Everything pinpoints these moments of insight as it shines an encouraging light forward. Start reading →

“Anne Lamott gave me back some hope. Now she’s given us an entire book about hope. And it’s wonderful!”


2. Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown


Brene Brown argues that we’re experiencing a spiritual crisis of disconnection, and introduces four practices of true belonging that challenge everything we believe about ourselves and each other. She offers us the clarity and courage we need to find our way back to ourselves and to each other. And that path cuts right through the wilderness. Start reading →

“Read this book; I cannot convey in a review how much it has the potential to change your life for the better. I read it yesterday and today in two sittings and am going back again and again to the writing, the ideas, and the inspiration to me to life more authentically and to be able to connect with others in deeper and braver ways.”


3. Reinventing Your Life by Jeffrey Young & Janet Klosko


Two of America's leading psychologists, Jeffrey E. Young, Ph.D., and Janet S. Klosko, Ph.D., draw on the breakthrough principles of cognitive therapy to help you recognize and change negative thought patterns, without the aid of drugs or long-term traditional therapy. They describe eleven of the most common lifetraps, provide a diagnostic test for each, and offer step-by-step suggestions to help you break free of the traps. Start reading →

“This is brilliant work. It is easy to read, there are interesting examples of all nine schema (the filters you see your life through) and the "how to" chapter offers the diligent a way to work through behaviors that no longer serve you.”


4. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay


Louise L. Hay is an internationally known leader in the self-help field. Her key message is: "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." Louise has a great deal of experience and firsthand information to share about healing, including how she cured herself after being diagnosed with cancer. Start reading →

“This book changed my life. I know you've heard that said about a lot of books and I'm sure there are other fine books out there. But this one is the motherbook from which all others evolved.”


5. On Being Human by Jennifer Pastiloff


After years of feeling depressed, anxious, and hopeless, in a life that seemed to have no escape, she healed her own heart by caring for others. She has learned to fiercely listen despite being nearly deaf, to banish shame attached to a body mass index, and to rebuild a family after the debilitating loss of her father when she was eight. Through her journey, Jen conveys the experience most of us are missing in our lives: being heard and being told, “I got you.” Start reading →

“This book is for everyone. Seriously. I want to gift copies to every person in my life, because it's that good!”


6. Loving What Is by Byron Katie


In the midst of a normal life, Katie became increasingly depressed, and over a ten-year period sank further into rage, despair, and thoughts of suicide. Then one morning, she woke up in a state of absolute joy, filled with the realization of how her own suffering had ended. The freedom of that realization has never left her, and now in Loving What Is you can discover the same freedom through The Work. Start reading →

“One of the most important books I've ever read. Changed my whole outlook on life and have felt more positive ever since, not up mention achieving more in 6 months than I had ever done in any previous years.”


7. Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain


In Living in the Light, Shakti Gawain introduced a powerful new way of life: that of listening to one's own intuition and relying on it as a guiding force. In the newly revised edition of that classic work, she elaborates on her original ideas, adding aspects of her own experiences and learning process over the past twelve years. In addition to balancing feminine and masculine energies, she now examines several other fundamental polarities we all have, such as power and vulnerability. Start reading →

“This book is a MUST READ for anyone trying to access the inner self. It's so basic and all of it makes total sense!”


8. Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer


Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life is the end product of my Dyer’s journey of research, contemplation, and application of the Tao Te Ching, a book of wisdom that's been translated more than any volume in the world, with the exception of the Bible. Many scholars consider this Chinese classic the ultimate discourse on the nature of existence; and it continues to be a valuable resource for achieving a way of life that guarantees integrity, joy, peace, and balance. Start reading →

“The challenge is to integrate and apply its teachings in one’s life; it is a volume to read again and again. It may be the most powerful book, I’ve ever experienced.”


9. The Magic Mala by Bob Olson


Robby Robertson is a down-on-his-luck writer who realizes that he doesn't know as much about life as he once believed. His desperate financial circumstances lead him to open his mind to new ways of living. After finding some mala beads, Robby is taken on a magical journey that teaches him the secrets to personal manifestation and happiness. An inspiring novel that transforms the lives of its readers, this book will leave you fascinated and educated about the universal laws that govern our lives. Start reading →

“After reading this book I felt like I could take on the world!”


10. Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana


Author Bhante Gunaratana, a renowned meditation master, takes us step by step through the myths, realities, and benefits of meditation and the practice of mindfulness. The book showcases Bhante’s trademark clarity and wit as he explores the tool of meditation, what it does, and how to make it work. The reader can gain deeper understanding, inner peace, and clarity through meditation practice with the thoughtful guidance of this classic book. Start reading →

Josie Robinson • Author

I help everyday people navigate this crazy modern world with gratitude and grace. Read my bestselling book about how to heal your life with the power of gratitude →


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